Before I started to work with Jiveny, I was always seeming to be attracted to men who were unavailable. During the work with Jiveny, it became much clearer that my attachment style was ‘Avoidant’. Deep down, I really wanted a relationship but I was terrified at the same time of becoming close and intimate with a man.
At age 69, I also thought I was much too old to find a loving, committed relationship. But age really does not come into it and I learned that through working and connecting with Jiveny.
At the time, I also felt quite negatively about myself. Yet Jiveny’s support, encouragement and wisdom meant that overtime, I again was able to change my view of myself.
Now I’m in a relationship with a really lovely man. He ticks all of the boxes that I was looking for - he’s good at communicating and listening, secure in himself, warm, affectionate and both interesting and interested in many things. We've been together for nearly 3 years now and I can really truthfully say that this is a relationship which is so satisfying and fulfilling – more than I ever thought a relationship could be! It’s just the most extraordinary experience!
I know now that if I hadn't worked with Jiveny, I would have continued on in the same way. My life still would have been enjoyable and rich, and I would have been practising gratitude - because I really was grateful for many of the good things in my life before I met him - but, I just would not have grown in the way that I have through this experience.
When I reflect on the time that I've worked with her, I realise that Jiveny believed in me when I did not believe in myself. She provided me with the tools for exploring so much about myself and the use of those tools have been transformational. Of special interest and value is The Alchemy of Attraction work we did.
Now I can look back over my old relationship history (that I previously thought was evidence incontrovertible of failure), and think ‘that was a really interesting journey, a journey through lots of ups and downs, a journey that where I learned at every step of the way!’
I was single for about 10 years before I started working with Jiveny and felt like I had lost my way. I wanted to feel more grounded, trust in my decision making and be genuinely confident and happy with who I was so that I could meet someone to share my life with, but constant overthinking, self sabotage and lack of solid boundaries were holding me back.
Since working together, I’ve noticed that I am a much more consistent human and this has helped me become clearer on the person I want to be and the life I want to create and share with someone. I’m much more able to set and communicate boundaries that deeply serve me, prioritise myself, stick to my word and ask for help when I need it.
I found the content she teaches in The Alchemy of Attraction truly empowering. It helped me reconnect to my intuition and to parts of myself that had been hidden away for quite some time.
Since doing this course, I have developed a relationship with a man who lights up my soul and my smile. He is someone I can fully be myself around, who I can lean on and who I have so much fun and adventure with. He is like no-one I have met before and he brings out a better, stronger and more motivated version of myself and I couldn’t feel more grateful for the relationship we have. After 3 years of dating, we’re now married and parents to a beautiful baby girl!
The experience I had working with Jiveny was life-changing. If I hadn’t made the choice to work with Jiveny, I think I would have continued with the uncertainty, self sabotage and the feeling of being stuck for a long while. I don’t think I would have formed some of the extremely valuable friendships I have (as these came from living so authentically and in alignment) and I think if I had met my partner at the time having NOT done this work, it would have been a different outcome.
If you even have a slight inclination that you want something bigger and better for yourself, your relationships and how you are experiencing life - then working with Jiveny and doing AOA is an absolute must!
Prior to working with Jiveny I found myself feeling bitter and jaded by the whole dating world and experience. I wanted a solid relationship but fears and insecurities kept rearing their ugly head.
This challenge affected my social life because I found it hard to be around my coupled up friends as it reminded me of what I wanted and how far I was from getting it.
During our work together there were so many memorable insights, but a highlight would be coming to the realisation that I am cocreating my love with someone, not finding it already perfectly formed. I've also learnt to trust my instincts - that it's okay to say that something's not working for me.
Since working together I've been through many different stages and Jiveny has been an asset every step of the way. Firstly there was the single phase, where Jiveny gave me invaluable advice around dating and managing nerves, hopes and dreams. Secondly, there was the hopeful stage of being in something that potentially had legs but then it fell over. Jiveny helped me through the following period of licking my wounds, getting back out there and trying again. Thirdly, I'm happy to say that Jiveny has helped guide me through the early stages of a very promising relationship.
I've now met a partner that I want to commit to in a deep way who is kind, interesting, reliable and ready for the vision I have for my life. We've been together 6 months at the time of writing this.
Looking back, it was fantastic to have someone in my corner while I was out on the dating scene. I found my confidence increased enormously and our work together enabled me to see dating more objectively and in line with my vision for my life (rather than as something that could just ‘happen’ to me).
Before joining The Alchemy of Attraction, I was feeling intimidated by dating as my previous relationship was abusive and I hadn’t dated anyone seriously for six years. While I had done my healing in therapy, I lacked confidence in dating and was terrified of picking the wrong person again.
Not having the confidence in this area of my life also meant that I was missing (and even turning down) good opportunities to meet a partner. This left me feeling like I was behind in life and not where I wanted to be.
AOA helped me to understand how to show up and be the best version of myself. It also taught me wonderful strategies for handling different dating situations, how to recognise potential high quality partners and how to pace relationships for success so a strong emotional connection can develop. This has given me loads of confidence in dating!
The biggest insight I got from this course was learning about the male and female archetypes and their shadows sides. This information made me realize where my behaviours needed to change so that I could show up as my best self.
Since doing this course I’m more confident in being myself and evaluating potential partners, as well as managing the process of dating. This has enabled me to relax and have more fun dating. It has also helped me to recognize potential partners in places I wouldn’t normally look. I’ve noticed it’s improved my other relationships too as I feel happier and more confident.
If I hadn’t made the choice to do this course, I think I would have just been stuck in the same old dating patterns, going around in circles. Now, I feel like I am moving forward and am actively looking for the right partner!
In summary, choosing to do AOA has been the best money I’ve ever spent on investing in myself and my future. Initially I was worried it was too much to spend on myself, but after the first lesson, it just confirmed that I had made the right decision. Jiveny is also a fabulous teacher and it was loads of fun doing this as part of the AOA community, where other women share their experiences and insights.
*A pseudonym and stock photo has been used in this instance as the client needed to maintain her privacy.
Before working with Jiveny I had experienced a handful of serious relationships that I had mostly sabotaged. I was also in these relationships for the wrong reasons so I guess they were destined to fail.
I wanted to find a real, loving and lasting relationship with someone who I could trust, be myself with and who was as committed to the relationship as I was. Someone I could grow with and raise a family with.
I found the work I did with Jiveny ground breaking. I was finally able to get to the bottom of the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ regarding my failed relationships. She was able to help me to open myself to what I really wanted and let go of what wasn’t working.
Perhaps the most important thing I remember from working with Jiveny was identifying my values and how to recognise these in others. I was also able to eventually see that many of these relationships were never what I really wanted anyway.
I have since found a lifelong partner who I have started a family with. Applying the things I learned from Jiveny to the early stages of our relationship really helped us to progress our connection in a much healthier way.
We’ve been together for four years now and have one-year-old twin baby girls. My partner is loyal beyond words - this was something I haven’t really ever been able to say before. He puts his family first and is such a loving and involved father.”
If I hadn’t made the choice to work with Jiveny, I think I would have been caught in the cycle of dating and getting in too deep with someone who wasn’t really a great match for me. Someone who I may have settled for because they wanted me, or met a particular need at the time, but would not be a good partner for me in the long term.
My advice to anyone struggling with dating and relationships is to spend the time and money investing in yourself. If you’re stuck in a situation, you’re not happy about, you’re single and you don’t know how to progress, consider working with Jiveny!
Most of us have not learnt how to date ‘well’ or with clarity or intention. As they say: luck is not a strategy!
Between therapy and talking about your dates with your friends, there is an important but untapped space. Jiveny fills this gap, empowering you to tackle the often confusing world of dating and relating with insight and intention. Her coaching equips you with a different kind of confidence and poise that comes from having a handle on some fundamental relationship truths and wisdom.
Learning about the archetypes of empowered feminine energy and what it means to be an ‘integrated’ woman is ground-breaking. Not just for my way of relating within my relationship, but within myself and relating to the world at large.
Overall, this work has helped me to harness my personal power and build a strong foundation for relating and developing intimacy in a healthy and sustainable way. It taught me about the many and varied ways in which I can invite certain behaviours, and attributes in men – that I am never a passive recipient in my relationships.
I credit Jiveny and her course with setting me up for long-term sustainable success with a high-quality partner who is literally the man of my dreams!
Now I don’t second guess my partner’s express interest, affection and devotion to me! I feel cherished and adored and cared for in my relationship. I am also getting more comfortable with letting my partner ‘lead’, though it’s still a work in progress!
Most of all, I am confident that we are building a sustainable relationship that will carry us throughout our lives; that we are methodically exploring the right and important ‘big questions’ around values, goals and our life journey together.
Everyone should do this course! Whether you’re ready to date, currently dating or in a relationship – I truly believe there’s something for everyone in AOA.
Before working with Jiveny I felt insecure and unsure how to find and maintain a healthy, loving relationship. I saw this affect how I showed up in my work life, friendships and even with my family. I had also just come out of a 6-year relationship and was realising I didn’t want to repeat the same mistakes or be with that kind of person again.
Moving forward, I wanted to have a supportive, loving partner in my life but first I needed to understand what went wrong with my previous relationship and how to avoid history repeating.
After working with Jiveny I now understand what a healthy relationship looks and feels like, and I'm aware of the patterns and insecurities I can bring into them.
I found the content she teaches in The Alchemy of Attraction easy, enjoyable, thought-provoking and transformative. It highlighted so many different aspects that I had never really thought about or realised when it came to dating and attracting a partner.
I experienced a major shift in my dating behaviour, as I was able to identify partners that were not suitable for me and avoid them, as well as understand how to navigate dating better and really get to know a partner as we built the connection.
Best of all this journey has led me to a healthy, fulfilling relationship where I feel a new awareness and confidence! I know what I want and deserve in a partner and I am able to bring my best self to the relationship. I didn’t think it was truly possible to find this kind of relationship before working with Jiveny.
All in all, if you’re thinking about working with Jiveny or joining this course, I say ‘Do it!’ You will gain so much insight into yourself, as well as human behaviour, and then be able to bring it all together to step out into the dating scene with confidence.
Before working with Jiveny I was struggling with choosing the wrong men and navigating my insecurities. I wanted a serious, committed relationship but I often had trouble keeping guys interested or would wind up chasing them away.
Other times, I would go for an easy guy who liked me (which was never very satisfying). I was categorically single for a long time before working with Jiveny.
Since working together, I’ve noticed a huge shift in my mindset and approach to dating for the better. I’m much more able to manage my reactions and approach, allowing the guys I am interested in to come to me.
I found learning the Alchemy of Attraction archetypes useful in illustrating the variety of traits and qualities that we each possess, and seeing how they can play a role in building a strong and well rounded relationship when used correctly and in the right proportions. This allowed me to identify my strengths and weaknesses, making it a logical process to build upon.
I’ve now met a great guy who is proactive in building a healthy relationship with me and who puts effort in to keep things fun and interesting. Even better he also takes an interest in personal development and makes open communication and discussion feel effortless and natural.
From someone that never saw myself as having huge issues with dating, yet struggled to find good long-term commitment, I have been amazed with how much I have learnt and progressed. I cannot recommend Jiveny highly enough!
Before working with Jiveny I struggled to attract men who I was genuinely interested in; and whenever I managed to, I found it to be quite the challenge to hold their interest. It made me feel afraid and unworthy constantly; like I needed to prove my worth whenever I felt the other person was uninterested. I craved to be part of a healthy, committed relationship without having to carry the baggage I’d collated over the years of my childhood.
Once I had seen the patterns in my parent’s relationship play out in my own, I knew it was time to call on Jiveny and I did not look back.
Since working together, Jiveny did wonders showing me where my inner strength was hiding and I learned that it is possible for my wants and needs to be met in a relationship. That there are men out there who crave connection and that in the past, most of the individuals I chose to invest my energy into were just as stuck and confused themselves.
Along this journey I have learned the importance of finding ways to regularly reconnect with myself when both single and in relationship. By staying connected to who you are and what makes you happy, it leaves room to welcome happiness and fulfilment whether or not there’s a special someone in your life.
I’m now 13 months into a new relationship that is healthy and fulfilling. Sure, we have had our challenges, however, without the mental shift Jiveny helped me achieve along with the tools I learnt with working together, I feel like I can face any challenge in a healthy way and find my way back to compassion and love (for both myself and my partner!).
I’d highly recommend Jiveny for anyone looking to refocus their minds and hearts. It’s totally worth it as Jiveny gives you the tools you need throughout life and in your relationships.
Before doing AOA I felt lost in the world of dating and relationships. I was battling with online dating, trying to make sense of what I was supposed to be doing and just kept thinking I was doing everything wrong as I was not finding good matches.
I wanted a long-lasting, secure, safe and loving relationship, but doubts and insecurities about my past dating history and my own body and mind were holding be back and had me reaching for excuses at every opportunity.
I found the Alchemy of Attraction course illuminating as I learned that there are so many different aspects of being a woman that I may have ignored or wasn’t aware of. Now I am enjoying exploring all these different aspects of myself, which has made my confidence grow and I feel more ready to date now than I ever have.
The course highlighted many habits of mine that were not serving any purpose in reaching my goal of finding a relationship. It allowed me to understand why I made those choices and I was given practical advice of how to change the habits so that I do not push the right kind of men away.
Since doing AOA I have come to understand men better and my thoughts and feelings towards them have shifted considerably. I used to feel intimidated and a little scared by men and now I can see them as people, just like me, that I can enjoy having fun with.
Perhaps the biggest takeaway from the course was learning about the power of all 4 archetypes and why it's important to let them be seen while I am dating. Showing ALL of them is what is going to attract a great man - not just showing one!
If I hadn’t made the choice to do this course, I think I would have continued to make the same mistakes as before. I would have stayed scared and fed up with dating. I would be in the same mindset of “what am I doing wrong?” and not have made any changes. I would just be stuck in the same old patterns, getting nowhere.
All in all, AOA is the best personal growth course that I have ever done. It makes you question yourself and what you are doing in a way that inspires you to make changes for the better. It gives you the practical tools you need to build strong relationships in every sphere of your life. You will finish the course feeling like the most amazing woman ever!
Jiveny has been instrumental in helping me acknowledge and navigate my dating challenges.
Before we started working together, I was doing pretty well in many aspects of my life such as my career and social life etc. but I knew I wanted a family of my own and felt stuck about how to get there.
I found myself feeling a bit hopeless with dating as I had been single for a long time and never really had a long lasting relationship. I wasn’t sure what the problem was and oftentimes wondered ‘what’s wrong with me’?
I also wondered if I even deserved to have a loving relationship?
When we started working together, I didn’t know what the most important things to look for in a potential partner were. Overall, I lacked a sense of clarity and had little faith in my ability to cultivate a great relationship at that time.
Through working with Jiveny I gained a deeper perspective on what I wanted in a potential partner and the kind of relationship I wanted to create. Reflecting on my past relationships and family dynamics, I identified unhelpful patterns and beliefs.
Now, I approach dating with more confidence and optimism, and feel much more well equipped to create a healthy relationship. Her support has bolstered my confidence in building future relationships, guiding me along the right path and imparting invaluable insights on the journey ahead. Through introspection, I managed to break some old habits and restrictive mindsets.
Recently, I found someone with whom I share a deep connection and am thrilled to announce we are now in a committed relationship! I am extremely grateful for Jiveny's invaluable guidance and support throughout the past year that helped me achieve significant personal development.
I hope more people can benefit from her work – I highly recommended it!
Working with Jiveny was crucial in empowering myself and giving myself the best shot that I could to have the life that I wanted and deserved.
Prior to working with Jiveny I found myself feeling bitter and jaded by the whole dating world and experience. I wanted a solid relationship but fears and insecurities kept rearing their ugly head. This challenge affected my social life because I found it hard to be around my coupled up friends as it reminded me of what I wanted and how far I was from getting it.
Since working together I've been through many different stages and Jiveny has been an asset every step of the way. Firstly there was the single phase, where Jiveny gave me invaluable advice around dating and managing nerves, hopes and dreams. Secondly, there was the hopeful stage of being in something that potentially had legs but then it fell over. Jiveny helped me through the following period of licking my wounds, getting back out there and trying again. Thirdly, I'm happy to say that Jiveny has helped guide me through the early stages of a very promising relationship.
Before working with Jiveny I had experienced a handful of serious relationships that I had mostly sabotaged. I was also in these relationships for the wrong reasons so I guess they were destined to fail.
I found the work I did with Jiveny ground breaking. I was finally able to get to the bottom of the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ regarding my failed relationships. She was able to help me to open myself to what I really wanted and let go of what wasn’t working.
I have since found a lifelong partner who I have started a family with. Applying the things I learned from Jiveny to the early stages of our relationship really helped us to progress our connection in a much healthier way. We’ve been together for four years now and have one-year-old twin baby girls. My partner is loyal beyond words - this was something I haven’t really ever been able to say before. He puts his family first and is such a loving and involved father.
Jiveny has a warm and non-judgmental approach to coaching. I found it fascinating how her questions opened up new possibilities that could be applied to my relationship with my partner immediately. I felt very comfortable working together as I could see that Jiveny really does care about helping people to have a great relationship - with full expression, while honouring each other’s wants and needs.
Thank you for your gift to the world. It is needed now more than ever before as many of us have very poor education and awareness when it comes to navigating the most intimate relating we will ever do!
I was single for about 10 years before I started working with Jiveny and felt like I had lost my way. I wanted to feel more grounded, trust in my decision making and be genuinely confident and happy with who I was so that I could meet someone to share my life with, but constant overthinking, self sabotage and lack of solid boundaries were holding me back.
Since working with Jiveny, I have developed a relationship with a man who lights up my soul and my smile. He is someone I can fully be myself around, who I can lean on and who I have so much fun and adventure with. He is like no-one I have met before and he brings out a better, stronger and more motivated version of myself and I couldn’t feel more grateful for the relationship we have. After 3 years of dating, we’re now married and parents to a beautiful baby girl!
If I hadn’t made the choice to work with Jiveny, I think I would have continued with the uncertainty, self sabotage and the feeling of being stuck for a long time.
When I first started working with Jiveny I was plagued with anxiety that I would never get to have a proper girlfriend. I had low self-esteem and struggled with anxiety.
Well to go straight to the biggest point – after working with Jiveny I soon met someone and now we are building a life together. I’ve also worked through some of the intimacy issues that I have had in the past.
This work has allowed me to become a lot more conscious of myself and how I am feeling, taking the time out to ask myself how I am each day. This has really helped to manage my anxiety. Overall, I found working with Jiveny very helpful.
Before I started to work with Jiveny, I was always seeming to be attracted to men who were unavailable. At age 69, I also thought I was much too old to find a loving, committed relationship. But age really does not come into it and I learned that by working and connecting with Jiveny.
At the time, I also felt quite negatively about myself. Yet Jiveny’s support, encouragement and wisdom meant that overtime, I again was able to change my view of myself.
Now I’m in a relationship with a really lovely man. He ticks all of the boxes that I was looking for - he’s good at communicating and listening, secure in himself, warm, affectionate and both interesting and interested in many things. We've been together for nearly 3 years now and I can really truthfully say that this is a relationship which is so satisfying and fulfilling – more than I ever thought a relationship could be. It’s just the most extraordinary experience!
Jiveny has helped me understand that I needed to work on myself and improve certain areas of my life which I had pushed aside as ‘not important’. Working on these areas has helped me become a more confident person, removed some of my social anxiety and assisted me to step outside of my comfort zone.
Since working together, I have improved my flirting skills and general conversation skills. I have also recognised that most women want a man to take the first step and approach. Together we have worked on developing stronger leadership skills, better understanding women and growing my internal confidence. This has put me in a better position to find the right partner that will complement me in life and has made the dating process a lot easier.
Most of us have not learnt how to date ‘well’ or with clarity or intention. As they say: luck is not a strategy! Between therapy and talking about your dates with your friends, there is an important but untapped space. Jiveny fills this gap, empowering you to tackle the often confusing world of dating and relating with insight and intention. Her coaching equips you with a different kind of confidence and poise that comes from having a handle on some fundamental relationship truths and wisdom.
Now I don’t second guess my partner’s express interest, affection and devotion to me! I feel cherished and adored and cared for in my relationship. I am also getting more comfortable with letting my partner ‘lead’, though it’s still a work in progress! Most of all, I am confident that we are building a sustainable relationship that will carry us throughout our lives; that we are methodically exploring the right and important ‘big questions’ around values, goals and our life journey together.
Before working with Jiveny I had just come out of a 6-year relationship and was realising I didn’t want to repeat the same mistakes or be with that kind of person again. After working with Jiveny I experienced a major shift in my dating behaviour. I was much more able to identify partners that were not suitable for me and avoid them, as well as understand how to navigate dating better and really get to know a partner as we built the connection.
Best of all this journey has led me to a healthy, fulfilling relationship where I feel a new awareness and confidence! I know what I want and deserve in a partner and I am able to bring my best self to the relationship. I didn’t think it was truly possible to find this kind of relationship before working with Jiveny.
I was disillusioned with my dating life and seeking a long-term healthy relationship so I contacted Jiveny. From our very first session, I felt comfortable and excited to begin working with her.
Through our work, she helped me identify my barriers, clarify what I wanted in a partner and what a healthy relationship looked like. I was also able to identify the mistakes I had been making. This work has really helped me to developed much more confidence in dating and relationship and I was excited to put what we worked on into practice.
I am now in the best relationship I have ever had and excited for the future. I attribute this to the work I did with Jiveny. Whether you are in the dating world or in a relationship, I would not hesitate in recommending Jiveny. She has changed my life for the better, making me the happiest I’ve been in a long time.
*A stock photo has been used in this instance as the client needed to maintain his privacy.
Before working with Jiveny I was struggling with choosing the wrong men and navigating my insecurities. I wanted a serious, committed relationship but I often had trouble keeping guys interested or would wind up chasing them away. Other times, I would go for an easy guy who liked me (which was never very satisfying).
Since working together, I’ve noticed a huge shift in my mindset and approach to dating for the better. I’m much more able to manage my reactions and approach, allowing the guys I am interested in to come to me.
I’ve now met a great guy who is proactive in building a healthy relationship with me and who puts effort in to keep things fun and interesting. Even better he also takes an interest in personal development and makes open communication feel effortless and natural. Overall, I have been amazed with how much I have learnt and progressed and I cannot recommend Jiveny highly enough!
I found working with Jiveny was a valuable process of self discovery. It was helpful to learn the small things that can really make a difference in meeting someone as well as strategies to detach from the outcome of an interaction and be more present with women. The insights and exercises helped me to understand the sorts of things I'd done wrong in the past that most women aren't going to overlook.
Her female perspective was helpful because there are just some things we don't learn or pick up on along the way - sometimes someone actually needs to tell us directly. Also, while Jiveny's coaching is primarily focused on helping us to meet people and find that special someone, I found it also gave me a vehicle to figure out the sort of life I want to be living and how to be happy with or without a partner.
Before working with Jiveny I struggled to attract men who I was genuinely interested in; and whenever I managed to, I found it to be quite the challenge to hold their interest. It made me feel afraid and unworthy constantly; like I needed to prove my worth whenever I felt the other person was uninterested.
I craved to be part of a healthy, committed relationship without having to carry the baggage I’d collated over the years of my childhood. Jiveny has done wonders in showing me where my inner strength was hiding and I learned that it is possible for my wants and needs to be met in a relationship. I’m now 13 months into a new relationship that is healthy and fulfilling and I’d highly recommend Jiveny for anyone looking to refocus their minds and hearts.
I would definitely recommend Jiveny to anyone looking for support in their own journey of personal growth. I have found that working with her has made an astronomical difference to my dating life and the relationships I have with my work colleagues and family members.
I have always appreciated Jiveny's approach to understanding what I need and tailoring our sessions accordingly. Jiveny has also offered additional resources for those like me, who love to self learn. All in all, my work with Jiveny has fundamentally changed the way I view the world around me for the better.
Before working with Jiveny I had been meandering the online dating circuit for about 18 months with no real luck beyond a third date. Jiveny helped me to understand the destructive patterns I had created for myself and assisted me in developing a greater awareness of the ways in which I was self-sabotaging my love life.
Throughout our sessions together, I felt a genuine sense of care from Jiveny and never rushed. Her course materials and resources are fantastic and really helped me to get clear on what I want from a relationship and why. The best support has been in understanding the decisions I have made and how these have drawn the wrong kinds of people to me in the past. The tools she has given me to navigate dating and relationships are invaluable.
Best of all, I am now in a healthy long-term relationship with a wonderful man.
*A pseudonym and stock photo has been used in this instance as the client needed to maintain her privacy.
Jiveny gave me permission to speak openly about some of my deepest fears, anxieties, desires and dreams and was completely present with me as I talked. Her questions guided me to self-assess and reflect on my own beliefs and attitudes in ways that I had never considered before.
Through this, I discovered new ways to think about and overcome habitual thought patterns that had been preventing me from self-acceptance. Most of all, Jiveny helped me identify the deeper core feelings and unmet needs stopping me from living my life fully. After our coaching sessions I've felt a deeper sense clarity, confidence and a true sense of empowerment.
Jiveny’s support has bolstered my confidence in building future relationships, guiding me along the right path and imparting invaluable insights on the journey ahead. I am extremely grateful for Jiveny's invaluable guidance and support throughout the past year that helped me achieve significant personal development. Recently, I found someone with whom I share a deep connection and I’m thrilled to announce we are now in a committed relationship!
I hope more people can benefit from her work – I highly recommended it!
Dating doesn't have to be a rollercoaster of flings and heartbreaks. The Alchemy of Attraction relationship course teaches you the secrets of relationship wisdom you'll follow for the rest of your life.
It's time to maximise your dating strategy. To confidently step into the dating game with purpose. To attract AND maintain a fulfilling relationship with a quality partner. And I can show you how...