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Attachment Styles Dating Relationships


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Why do some people tend to be more aloof and unattached in their relationships, while others are more codependent and need more reassurance? Attachment theory, studied since 1958, explains how different people have different relating styles. Understanding our own default style can help to explain many of the patterns and challenges you may face

Understanding Attachment Styles


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It was midday and I was on my way to a first date with a guy I’d been crushing on for a while… Finally, I was about to go on a date with someone I was genuinely interested in! I had already spent over an hour preparing, blow drying my hair, doing my makeup and […]

The Quest To Impress: A Modern Dating Myth

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Since 2016 I’ve been working with singles aged 20-70, helping them to re-claim their personal power, date well, create a meaningful, lasting relationship and find more joy in their everyday life. If that's the kind of support you are looking for, it would be my pleasure to help you do the same!

An online dating, relationship, and personal empowerment coach here to help you step into your power and build meaningful relationships in all areas of your life.

Hi, I'm Jiveny Blair-West,





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