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Online Dating

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As I recently wrote about here, now that so many of us are stuck at home, digital dating is fast becoming the new normal. Dating Apps are experiencing record engagement and many of their users are picking up the phone or turning on the camera to get to know their latest match. Still, for many […]

The Dos & Don’ts of Digital First Dates

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As a Dating & Attraction Coach, I mentor and support men and women aged 20-70 to identify and overcome the blocks and barriers that prevent us from experiencing good love. For me, there is nothing quite as rewarding as helping people develop the necessary skills to attract and build a healthy relationship.

It is well understood that we need healthy, intimate relationships to thrive in life. However getting the love you want is not always so straight forward.

Truth is, most of us were never formally taught the life skills of dating, attraction and relationships...

Hi, I'm Jiveny Blair-West. 





Understanding your primary dating archetype takes you closer to truly understanding the dynamics of attraction, improving your relationship skills, and expanding your opportunities to find a great partner!

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Uncover Your Dating Blind Spots!


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