The relationship education that you never got in school...

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I loved to sabotage things during the early stages of dating. I would write people off immediately over tiny little icks. I had walls up. I would pretend I wasn’t looking for anything serious. I would try and play the dating “game”, but just seemed to always lose.

Interview: Overcoming The Blocks & Barriers To A Great Relationship


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In this short, 15-minute video call, Andrew from Core Confidence Coaching interviews me about my approach to 1:1 coaching, insight into the modern dating scene and some general advice for single men and women. This is a great place to start if you want to get a feel for how I work!

Interview: Australia’s Leading Dating & Attraction Coach


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There is no decision that will have a greater impact on our lives than finding the one. This is the person you choose to share your emotional, parental and financial future with. Nikolina has already locked in her answer, but Claudia & Jenna are looking for some advice…

Interview on the ‘How To Life’ Podcast: How To Find The One


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“Are they the one?!” It is the question that every woman will be asked during their 20s. Some of us will respond confidently and others will reply, “I think?”.

Interview on ‘The WoW’ Podcast: Finding The One

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As a Dating & Attraction Coach, I mentor and support men and women aged 20-70 to identify and overcome the blocks and barriers that prevent us from experiencing good love. For me, there is nothing quite as rewarding as helping people develop the necessary skills to attract and build a healthy relationship.

It is well understood that we need healthy, intimate relationships to thrive in life. However getting the love you want is not always so straight forward.

Truth is, most of us were never formally taught the life skills of dating, attraction and relationships...

Hi, I'm Jiveny Blair-West. 





Understanding your primary dating archetype takes you closer to truly understanding the dynamics of attraction, improving your relationship skills, and expanding your opportunities to find a great partner!

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Take the quiz to get your full report and recommendations...

Uncover Your Dating Blind Spots!


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